Thursday, November 17, 2011

Not just for your butt-hole!

Ok, So that title may be a little bit T.M.I... But It's true!! I have always struggled with zits... they come, they go but every now and again, when they come.... THEY FREAKIN COME!! I am talking about the ones that hurt, the ones that make you want to hide in your house, the ones that look worse with makeup and the ones that seem to sit under skin forever and just swell to no end!!!

Well, I am here to help! (Insert Super Hero music here) DO NOT pick, poke, scratch at that nasty beast!! Instead, get some Preparation-H! Yep... The one for your ass! I know most of you moms already have this at home weather you want to admit it or not! 

All you do is dab a bit on that monster and it instantly takes down swelling, redness and pain!! I glob it on at night and also right before I do my make up and let it sit 10-15 minutes!! It works wonders!!! 

Now that I am prego, they say not to use any kind of topical acne medication with salicylic acid in it.... So I am stocking up on my butt cream!!! You know how that new prego skin can be!! ugh

Also, the amazing butt medicine works wonders on puffy, tired eyes!! try it!!

Peace, Love & Ass Cream!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Our first ever "guest writer" It's Kendra from Kendra's McGrubbin' on the daily!!

How exciting, Our 1st ever "guest writer" It's Kendra from "Kendra's McGribbin on the daily"!! Take a look into her life as a healthy gluten free gal and her trip over my house for dinner! I love her and I love her blog! Look for the link below!! 
I love you for reading and enjoy Kendra's entry below!! 
xoxo MDG

Kendra's McGrubbin' on the daily

I recently had the pleasure of joining Tam and fam
for dinner at the “Strankowski Nest.” First of all,
I have to say that Emma is the cutest, friendliest
little lovey I’ve ever met! She instantly greeted
me with open arms and guided me in her room, sat
me down on her princess couch and asked me to
read “The Very Hungry Caterpillar,” one of my
faves. When Tamara asked what she was doing she
replied with “Mom, I’m hangin out with my friend!!”
Such a crack up…

After reading and getting the full tour of Emma’s
room and belongings, I headed into the kitchen
to see what Mama was cookin up. She had chicken
marinating for tacos and was prepping for some
amazing stuffed peppers. After showing me her handy
pepper griller gadget (which I have to put on my
xmas list!), she said “Sorry it’s not gluten free,
I don’t know how to cook like that.”

I secretly enjoy it when I get to go over to
people’s houses and they don’t cook gf, because I
get to have a cheat day! BUT this was not the case!
Little did she know, Tamara was actually cooking
gluten free! Here’s what she made with the chicken
for tacos: rice, beans, jalapeños, cheese, and corn

Cooking gluten free is much easier than it sounds
like. In fact most of you are probably cooking
gluten free a couple nights a week with out even
realizing it. In simple terms, gluten is wheat; so
you kinda know it when you see it: bread, crackers,
pretzels, cake, muffins, etc. It doesn’t hide in
too many things, but you have to be careful, for
example, gluten is in soy sauce! Wild, I know. You
will not find gluten in rice, vegetables, meat
(unprocessed, check labels of things like hot dogs
& lunch meat), and fruit. I could go on, even fun
things like corn tortilla chips and French fries
can be gluten free; just always be sure to read the
labels because for what ever reason, some times it
gets thrown in there!

*Here are some of my favorite gluten free items you
are guaranteed to love:

Van’s Gluten Free Waffles

So Delicious Coconut Milk Coffee Creamer

Fork in the Road hot dogs

Organicville BBQ Sauce

Whole Kitchen Chicken Taquitos

**for a full description of these items, visit my blog:

Fan Page:

peace, love & gluten free living!

Kendra’s McGrubbin on the Daily

10 was to use baby wipes besides on a butt!

Baby wipes (in my option) may be the best invention of all time... Not only does it clean my baby's ass it cleans almost everything and really well I might add!
I decided to fill you in on the many things I use these amazing little wipes for!

1. Removing make-up. Even if u have sensitive or acne prone skin!
2. Spot cleaning my couch. From apple juice to red wine it takes out everything!
3. My car. The dust on the dash Is gone with no streaks!
4. Cleaning my tv and computer screens. No streaks a wont harm the screen of my husbands beloved flat screens!
5. Cleans phones. From the phone on my desk to my iPhone... Take off caked on makeup, finger smudges and dirt in general!
6. To dust. I have a lot of rod iron in my house and nothing is cheaper and faster then a fast wipe from my baby wipe. Bye bye dust!
7. Hands and face. Sweets and grease have nothing on my super trick!!
8. Polish that jewelry. Diamonds to sliver get a shiny clean finish.
9. Sunglasses. Not only does it clean the make up and grease off them around that nose area but it cleans the lenses with now streaks!
10. Hair. My daughter has crazy hair, to tame that mop on the go, I do a quick wipe and a even quicker brush! Perfection!

I mean, I will be buying these little baby's even after Emma is out of diapers! I carry them In my car, in my purse, in my kichen, at my desk... Everywhere!!!

Also, my favorite wipes are the Costco brand. Not only are there like a 1000 in one box but they are undivided packaged! They come with a snap top for dispensing the wipe. That means no more refills, stickers that don't stay closed and best of all, NO MORE DRIED-OUT WIPES!!!
Also, they are super strong so, so your finger won't poke through and get poop on it while changing baby and one wipe is tough enough for the hardest scrubbers!
They are also hypoallergenic! So it's perfect for those sensitive little butts!

I love you for reading and if I have some useful baby wipe tricks that I may not know of, email me!!!


Monday, October 31, 2011

Stuffed Bacon Wrapped Jalapenos...

These little guys are to freaking die for!! They took my about 10 minutes to make and 20 min to cook!! Perfect for football season or cocktail parties...
Or you can be like me and make them for the hell of it on a Tuesday night!! 

What you need:
bacon (1/2 a slice per jalapeno) 
1/2 packet of cream cheese
1/2 shallot
1 garlic clove
salt and pepper
a little olive oil
some season salt

  • Mix all your ingredients (minus the bacon) in a bowl until all mixed well and smooth! 
  • Cut you Jalapenos in half and de-seed.
  • Use those pretty little hands and stuff the jalapenos with the cream cheese mix.
  • Cut your bacon strips in half (I used a apple wood smoked bacon from Trader Joe's).
  • Wrap your jalapenos with bacon.
  • Use a tooth pick or just tuck the bacon to keep it in place while cooking.
  • Drizzle some olive oil over the tops and some fresh black pepper.
  • Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 min
Right before they went in the oven
**I use a baking rack so the bacon doesn't sit and cook in its own grease.... cuts down on the fat (haha) but most importantly make the bacon nice a crispy!

finished product!!

Sooo good and so easy!!  They were a big hit at my house!!

I hope you like them & I love you for reading!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Things I'm loving at the moment...

Here are some fun, random things that I am IN LOVE lately and to be honest... can't live without!

I LOVE (more like obsessed) with the sent of this stuff!! Nothing better then a clean and amazing smelling baby to cuddle with! 

Cinnamon Broom from Trader Joe's! Makes my house smell SOOO yummy and super "fall like".

Cinderella Pumpkins!! So pretty!! I love them for my dinner table and center pieces!! A new spin on fall!   
My Halloween Gel Manicure!! It looks black but its a super dark purple!! I <3 it!
 (Don't mind my man hands!)
Just got this phone last week!!! LOVVVVE it!! So worth the $$

We all know I am obsessed with water!! I take this thing everywhere with me!! @ 24oz. I drink 4 a day and hit my 94 oz. daily goal!!! 

For the price (about $7.99) you CAN NOT find a better red wine!! Yummy!!!

MaxFactor 2000 Calorie Mascara... NOTHING IS BETTER! Trust me I have tried them all!!

There you go! My favorites things right now!! 

 If you LOVE any of these things or have something you think is better!! Contact me and tell me all about it!!

I love you for reading!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Normal Friday and a NOT so normal Friday...

Normal Friday and a NOT so normal Friday...

I have way more “normal” Friday’s then “Not normal Fridays” these days but, when I get the rare chance to be the 25 year old, good time loving, vodka drinking, total goofball, don’t give a shit what you think Tamara… I take full advantage!
So I decided to let you in on one of my “Normal Friday’s & Not normal Friday’s”. Since I am usually just seen behind these words on my blog entry’s,  I thought a photo filled blog would give you a better idea of who I really am… what I REALLY look like and so on…

Normal Friday:
This is just another Friday night... same as Monday, same as Tuesday... We are more then likely in bed before 9:00pm and we just do our daily duties and just hang as a family! It 's great, its mellow, its full of love and hugs, little kisses, poopy diapers and time outs! Its our new life, the best life (in our option) and the kind of life we wouldn't trade for anything in the world. 
And her is what it looks like....
We play "Hair Salon"

We go to bed  before 9:00pm

Daddy gives Emma a Pedicure

Emma... Well she is just being Emma

Emma make us dinner... 37 times

Have a popcorn and watch "The Little Mermaid" for the 127th time.
And that's it... fun, easy, mellow and completly 100% all about that cute little blonde girl above!! I LOVE my "normal" life

Not normal Friday:  
This particular not normal Friday was my Birthday! My AMAZING friend Elena planned to take me out on the town and to "LIPS" if you don't know what lips is, Its a Drag-queen dinner and show type of place. It's a freaking BLAST!! I had the BEST time ever and the pictures below will prove it! 
On these few and far between "Non normal Friday nights" I let loose, I find that 25 year old shot loving, dancing like a dork, laughing till I have tear rolling down my face Tamara. The one that doesn't have to watch her mouth, cut up someones chicken and make sure the waitress did in fact mix the juice 50/50 water to juice for Emma!  I'm FREEEE!! It's like I forget how much of a good time I am! haha 
WARNING: If you do not want to see Men in woman's clothes DO NOT look at the photos below!

And here is goes!

Me and my Lovely ladies

The car ride.
( I guess I thought that display of my hand would make me look cool?... I was wrong.)

Bathroom photo time!

Elena making a move on my husband

Yes... that is a man

that too!


Big Mama

Yep, there you have it. My Normal Friday and a very far form normal Friday!
hope you enjoyed taking a look into my life...
P.S. Elena and Jessica, please done hate me for posting these pictures! I <3 you guys!

And I love you for reading!
-Tamara xoxo

Monday, October 17, 2011

Is this O.C.D? Nope, I am crazy... Nope, It's my husbands fault!

I have been called a "neat freak" once or twice... But, last night after a busy weekend I went in the kitchen to start dinner... At that very moment, I almost lost my damn mind. The sink was full of dishes the counters had shit on them... AHHHHHHH! So, here is my problem, I CAN NOT cook in a dirty kitchen! If the rest of my house is a mess it will all be OK as long as the kitchen is clean! And if there is anything in the sink, then its not clean. It really. really bugs me! Crazy? 
Maybe a little...  

I fell kinda like a freak... I mean, just cook and clean later, right? NOPE! Not going to happen. Its almost like I think the food will not be as good if the kitchen is dirty or I cant enjoy the process of cooking when its not just the way I like it! How do you expect em to enjoy a nice meal when all I can think about when I am eating it is, How dirty the kitchen is!! 
You know what would be nice... If my husband would notice the kitchen is dirty (vs ignoring it) and actually did something about instead of waiting for me to either do it myself or yell (i mean) ask him to do it!!! 

OMG That drives me nuts!! (So if you are reading, honey...) Lets be honest, If I could get some help with out asking him to put down the video games, pause the football game or put down the guitar etc... Not only would I be so happy but just imagine what he could get in return. :)  Yes, I use my lovely lady lumps as a reward or to get what I want... So what! 

WOW! This went form a "Could I be a little nuts/ O.C.D" to a "My husband is lazy" blog!! HAHA I have realized two different things in this entry... I AM crazy and my Husband makes me that way! :)  

So, how inappropriate would it be to make a "Daily Chore Chart" for the adults in the house? That way my husband can be held accountable and he can see everything I already do! Or we can get our house keeper back?! Oh, this could be the answer to so many of my problems!! Clean house, More energy cause I am not doing everything and I don't resent my hubby! Oh, this is going to be gooooood!! 
I mean... Men do really need to be told what to do and not expected, right? Or are they just that damn smart? I'm thinking the 1st one...

Wish me and my new "chore chart" luck! 

Clean kitchens and Love,

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Feeding your family for 1 month under $200.00!!

So, budgets are tight for most us right now, right?! Why not save a buck, or for me $800.00!! Yes, I use to spend abut $200.00 a week on foods! 
After cleaning out my refrigerator and cupboards last night I found myself depressed at the empty sight and thinking..."I really need to go to the store... ugh that will be $300.00 to stock backup!" I almost had a panic attack when I saw that all my usual "staples" were gone! Ahhhhhh what are we going to eat?! 

So, My "non-dramatic" self kicked in and said "TRY SOMETHING NEW" mix and match things that you have and DO NOT go to the store!! So I sat down with a list of everything I had. Somehow I had to make these few random things (that are left over for a reason) last me and my family of 3 till November 9th!! 

I am a cook! I LOVE to cook and by cook I mean REALLY cook! So this is going to be hard!! But, if I can pull this off, my wallet will not only thank me but it will change the way I shop from here on out! Now because of the contents that I had (aka bottom of the barrel) this by no means going to be our healthiest month ever... But, it will be our cheapest!! So don't judge!! 
The only thing I will be buying in the next month is milk, a couple fresh veggies and bread... everything else is already there!! Also, this means that I have to use left overs... SO NOT use to that! Not to mention this is not the best meal plan if you are on a diet! :] But I promise every meal will be yummy!! 

Here is my list of what I have to work with!!
2 bags of elbow noodles
2 steaks
2 chicken breast
2 bags of eagle eye chicken veggie pasta
1/2 gallon of tomato basil soup 
2 loafs of garlic bread
10-15 red potato's
1 large corned beef from Costco
1 bag of black beans
1 pkg of tortillas
1 block of cheddar cheese
1 tube of Chorizo 
1 family size orange chicken meal
4 onions 
2 cucumbers
1 head of broccoli
1 head of Cauliflower
1 stock of asparagus 
2 loafs of bread
1 pkg of bacon
1 head of garlic
and all my normal spices and so on....

So wish me luck!! This should be fun!! I will post my foods everyday along with recipes!!
Love you for reading -Tamara

Monday, October 3, 2011

Easy homemade Sangria...

Sangria is one of my favorites!! It's more of a summer drink and I prefer it with white wine but, because of it being fall I decided to make it with red and it was to die for!!! I really just put whatever I have in it most of the time so there really is no correct recipe... But, I wrote down what I put in it last night and since some of you commented I decided to post!!

This is what I used:

  • 1 bottle of red wine (I used a Cabernet Sauvignon)
  • 1 can of sliced peaches (syrup and all... It will add some sweetness with out having to add sugar later)
  • 1 green apple sliced (the trick is to slice them as thin as possible!!)
  • 1 orange sliced whole (I like to slice them in whole circles that way the fruit's are not only different textures but different shapes)
  • 3/4 - 1 cup of vodka (most sangria has Brandy in it eww! I prefer vodka... and that's what I had on hand)
  • 1 lime sliced in wedges
  • 1 can of tonic or soda water

TIP: *The biggest tip and trick I can give you is.... When making a Sangra don't go by a nice expensive bottle wine!! Save that for sipping with your cheese or a nice steak. I use the cheap kind for sangria!! How cheap you ask? Last night was made with 2Buck Chuck and it was amazing!! Why? Well, By the time you are done adding all the different ingredients its going to taste the same as if you used a $20.00 bottle of wine!! Its about the whole flavor of everything put together! 
Also, if your making it for a party... Use a box wine and double the ingredients to how many bottles are in the box!! Cheap and good! You friends will be so impressed and love you for bring this to any party!!

TIP: *DO NOT put ice in your pitcher!!!! The acids in the sangria will break down the ice so fast you will be drinking water wine in no time!! Put ice only in the glasses and don't over fill your glasses with sangria so it takes a long while to sip!! Keeping the right sangria to ice combo is key!!
finished product

I love you for reading!! Wine buzz and hugs!! -Cheers! 
Tam xoxo

Thursday, September 29, 2011

weight ='s happiness...

Well I am not sure if it equals complete happiness but it sure as hell will make me more happy then I am now!!
OK, I want to drop a few lbs and well... by a few and mean like 30!! I have said I am going to go on a diet like 6 times this year, I do good for like a couple weeks lose some lbs and then BAM! I fall off the wagon and I RUN to Carl's Jr.! Is there is AA for people addicted to food? And if so.... can I have the number?

I use to eat and drink whatever I want and not worry have to worry about it... So dieting and working out is foreign to me!! Ever since I got married and had a baby I have "let myself go" after my baby I was so knee deep in dirty diapers and mac n' cheese that I just stop giving a shit about me. My life was now about my husband and baby. Don't get me wrong... I still wear my make up and all that jazz but when it comes to "me time" and going and working out #1.) I don't know where to start. #2.) I just want to hang out with Josh and Emma!! 
So needless to say, the weight came on and my confidence dropped... So what does any self conscious weight battling girl do??? I ATE! I ate like I will still 9 month prego.!! I figured "Well F*#k it, I am already unhappy with my weight... what was another cheese burger going to do?" Well that went on for a year... and what did it do you ask? It made this girl soft a jiggly . I like a little giggle don't get me wrong! I don't like stick skinny! I have always had some boobs and ass! And I like it!! But now, I want my big boobs and ass to not be smaller then my gut! Its just heart breaking!! 

So I was thinking... Maybe if I blog about my weight loss and my intense companionship with food, it will keep me honest ans committed! Maybe even some of you will join me!? I will be doing weekly updates, with real weight calculators and picture updates!! Oh yes, You will see this fat ass in real form!! LUCKY YOU!

 I will be posting meal ideas, my daily food logs, work out plans and tricks... You can just think of me as our own personal *fat Jillian Michaels!! So here we go!! Today's first thing I am going to change is my lunch plans and water intake levels!! I am going back to my 3 letters of water a day and sorry Michelle in H.R., I wont be getting Wings n' Things with you today! 

Here is a picture of what I want to look like (again) ... a bit of a stretch seems how even if I did get this body back... the boobs would be lower and my stomach will be covered in stretch marks... but hey, skinny saggy boobs and stretch marks are better then fat ones!! 

I love you for reading! Here is to health and confidence!!
-Tam  xoxx

Sunday, September 25, 2011

So, when do you know it's the right time?

Alright, this is a question I ask my self all the time! "When is it the right time?" I fell like my generation really has it rough... specially if you have or are trying to have a family! With the economy in the toilet, Jobs are not secure at all. You can go from a nice stable income to Monday morning having nothing...

This happened to me and my husband a couple times in the last 3 years. Somehow we always seem to jump back but with times like this I find its hard to figure out when the right time is for anything... How can you plan when your future is so uncertain at any given time. How do you know what is right and what is just a plain mistake?? Anything from; should buy a house now, have another baby, take on another car payment or even something as simple as buying that 200.00 BBQ? 
In the last 2-3 months I have pondered every one of those questions I listed above. And you know what.. I bought the new car and the BBQ! haha But, a house or a baby.... I just cant do my normal impulsive decision  making on those two... 
Part of me goes, "You can do it, you  guys can do anything... You did it with baby #1 with out a plan in the world!" Now, while this may be true and I like to think that with a lot of hard work I some how manage to land me and my family back on our feet every time life turns ugly. But, Is it the right time now?

Is there ever a right time? Do you just do it and make do? Is it different when everything is planned (that's how I like my life) Do you listen to other people, Do you care what they think or say? All these questions and I feel none of them have answers!! 
Sometimes I forget... I am 25 and my husband 30 we have a beautiful 2 year old baby girl, a house, 2 dogs, a cat, 2 cars, bills ... We are family... WE ARE ADULTS!!! Technically we can do whatever the hell we want to... Why do I forget this so often? 
Why do I feel like I still need approval? Is it cause of the way my Emma was a surprise to everyone so I still feel like that scared 22 year old who cared what everyone would think and say? Is it because of things what were said to me when we told some people we were expecting? (after 7 years of dating) I still hold grudges to the few people who disrespected me and my growing family in the early weeks... most of them I have to interact with on a regular basis and its still a struggle. Is that it? Am I so weak that I let some people's rude, unfiltered words effect my judgement in life? How sad and dumb! Am I so insecure that I care that much? Do I feel that I have not proven my/our self? Or, is this just a normal feeling when you are trying to make a life changing decision? ugh

I have no answers to any of these questions and it makes me CRAZY!! 
I have always used the saying, "We will cross that bridge when we get there." Is that the right way to deal with things?... seems to have worked out for us so far... 

Is that it??? Do you just keeping moving forward and deal with everything as they come and you just adjust? I mean... that's life right?! That's how this silly little game of life works.  The only way you move forward in life is to take a jump and hope for the best. If there was a "right time" for everything then everyone's life would be perfect!! No ups, no downs... no sense of accomplishment. I mean who is to say, "You have 20k in the bank... Its the right time for a baby!" "Oh, you have a good paying job (today) its the right time to buy a house!!" I mean common since has a play in it but, to what extent? 

As I keep writing it is coming more clear to me that this is indeed life... You make choices, sometimes you have to suffer the consequences of that choice but you move forward and you have another choice to make waiting right around the corner. I'm personally coming to see there is never a right time... and If I try to wait for it, nothing will ever get done!
 Take risks, move forward, love and grow... change is the only way that will ever happen!!

I hope you reading this helped you has much as it did me writing it! You can be sure whatever path I choose I will keep you posted via blog!! 

Love you for reading!!

Decisions and peace!!
Tam xoxo

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Easy, Cheap & Beautiful Kids Birthday Party Ideas!!

OK, I made the mistake on my daughters 1st birthday of going WAY over the top (I'm sure some of you can relate) I bought EVERYTHING you could think of the perfect Luau!! Everything from fresh pineapples and coconuts as center pieces, every kind of snack you could think of! I made my poor husband BBQ everyone Pineapple teriyaki burgers and list goes on and on... needless to say my bank act took a approximate $1,700.00 hit as well! I know... but, I was excited!!

Anyway... Needles to say, I decided to scale back on birthday number 2 (price not awesomeness!). Here is what I did...
I stared planning 2 months in advance and picking up little things here and there where I found them!! The .99cent store really played a big part! Last time Costco, this year .99cent store and you know what?? No one know could even tell!! Instead of having my hubby man the grill ALL DAY I got hot dogs this time. Let those puppies sit on the grill for 10 min pull them off, cover and self serve honey!! Put out some beans, corn bread, potato and macaroni salad and thats is lunch! Instead of a $200.00 cake to feed 80 people... I did donuts for less then $30.00!! For drinks... A pretty jug of powder (yes powder) lemonade mix. To make it a little more fantasy I sliced some lemons in it and tossed in a few raspberries!! It was beautiful!!

For decorations, I bought most of them online. the Oriental Trading Co. had some great things and even better prices!! played a big big BIG part in the decor as well. I bought all my balloons though them (about 150 balloons for $30.00 MAX) took them to Party City to inflate the morning of for a total of $25.00! I went to a local feed store and bought bails of straw for 8.00 each. Perfect for seating and really made the "cowgirl" theme pop!! 

Instead of buying everything already made I decided to make all the signs! It was a bit time consuming but REALLY fun and they turned out awesome!! I just found the font on Microsoft Word, printed it out on my computer and glued to decorative paper. I tied all the letters with strips of bandanna and even burnt the edges for a "old time" look! We had some old cardboard in the garage so I cut out a western style E and 2 out of it and cut up a red bandanna and glued it all over the cardboard.... SUPER EASY AND SUPER CUTE AND CUSTOM! 
I found little WANTED signs from Oriental Trading Co. and printed out some of our friends and family's pics in black and white and pasted it onto them!! Really fast and cute... People loved to see themselves on the "WANTED" wall! less then $5.00!

To get everyone dressed in their YeeHaw gear, I had a dress up table as you walk in.... Cowboy hats, bandannas, sheriff badges!! total $10.00. 

I had someone design the invites from she sent me the file in 2 days and I printed at Kinko's for a total of about $40.00! They let every one know the theme before hand and were beautiful!! 
(probably my favorite part of the party) 

We had Emma's pictures taken in her cowboy gear and framed it for some more custom/personal decor! The "Eat, Drink & Be Merry" Sign came from my kitchen! 

I could go on and on about every little detail but the bottom line here is DETAIL!! Pull from things you have, borrow things from friends, make EVERYTHING... You will save hundreds and have fun too!! Think of a unique party theme and run with it! 

Below are some pics from the party so you can get a better idea! We had a great time and everyone loved it! If you have questions on where to get something or even how to make it please email me at
I am more then happy to help!!

Food/Snack table
Food table
WANTED signs of friends and family 
Emma Cowgirl photos 
Dress Up table at entrance 
Homemade "howdy partners" sign
Hay bails, bandanna and cow print balloons 
another homemade sign
"Happy Birthday Emma"

All and all we had a GREAT day!! If you are looking for ideas or have any question please feel free to email me

I hope you enjoyed looking at this as much I did creating it!!

Cowboy boots and Love!!
Tam  xoxo