Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Is that fish I smell??

ok ok. I know what you are thinking... But, you're wrong! Get your mind out of the gutter and come get some amazing skin with me!!
So, I am going to try out something out for you ladies. A little beauty experiment if you will... I am going to to do a 30 day skin challenge!!! Woohoooo! There will be before, during and after pictures posted for you as the 30 days pass. 
So what is this *possible new beauty treatment you ask??? Drum roll please...............

That's right, Cod Liver Oil! (Yummy!) I don't know if you have herd or not.... But, this stuff has been told to turn old, tired, dry and even acne infested faces into beautiful, dewy, soft amazing skin!! 
So just for you guys I did a lot of research and then I bought some, a 30 day supply (8.5oz.) on amazon.com. Its pretty fair in price and it should be here next week!! I am really excited!!

I will be taking a shot of it at night and a shot before bed... (a shot glass, not a needle kinda of shot) So wish me luck!! I will definitely keep you posted with pictures and post, etc. I hope this works as good as some say so we can all feel a little more beautiful in our own skin... even if it does mean drinking fish liver oil.... ew.

Fishy Kisses! 

Things I'm loving at the moment...

and you should too!!

Emma's new polka dot room theme!
Makes me smile every time I walk in! 
Fresh flowers!! Yes, those beautiful flowers kept me smiling all weekend long!!
Nothing better then a clean house and pretty flowers!
This little yellow box is the BEST boxed wine EVER!! Not only does this cute little thing hold 4 bottles in it, it lasts 3 weeks and taste AMAZING!! It's on sale now at Target for $15.99 (reg. $18.99) "That's less then $4.00 a bottle!!! 
hooker red nails!! They make me feel sassy... and we can use a little pick me up every now and again...
WATER!! yep, good old water... Now, you may think I have lost my mind BUT I LOVE WATER!! I have always drank a good amount of water but I stared taking it to the next level when I started dieting this last month or so. I drink on avg. 152.16oz. a day. (I know, right?!? crazy!!) But not only has it made my weight loss jump, my energy is way higher and you should see my skin!! 152.16oz. is 3 of the 1.5 litter bottles shown above.

So... drink that H2O Yo!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Damn Havarti Thief!!

OK... So I had this really yummy dinner planned to share with you guys and when I gotten home to make it.... my sliced Havarti was gone!! (its a cheese if you don't know) I was so bummed!! I knew who did it!! The only other person in the house that can open the fridge!! ugh... he has been know to be a cheese hog!!

Any who, I had to think fast... Since I already set out chicken breast, It made me feel a little bit better!! (This Mama can make chicken into anything!!) I found a can of seasoned tomatoes in the cupboard (That I just love and ALWAYS keep on hand!) I also remembered I had some Zucchini left over from last night. So, I just ran with it! It turned out amazing, it was so easy and the calorie count is LOW!! 

Being the nice blogger that I am I wrote it all down and took pictures! Here you go!! -enjoy!

This is what you will need:
1 can Hunts spiced, diced tomatoes
2 boneless, skinless chicken breast
1.5 cup of diced zucchini 
feta cheese
parm cheese
dried basil
olive oil 
-Easy right?!

Here we go...

So here are my tomatoes!! I just love these guys!! I put them in my home made mac n' cheese, some times stuff my chicken with it.... I use it ALL the time!! And with a calorie count 75 for the WHOLE can, you just cant go wrong!!
Like I mentioned before I had some left over Zucchini that I thought I would toss in.... We can all use a little more Zucchini in our life! 
about 1 1/2 cup chopped.
I lay it all out on a baking pan and I drizzle with some olive oil. dried basil, a pinch of salt and lots of fresh black pepper on the chicken breast.
I also had this cheese left over from last nights turkey balls so I added some feta all over the dish and sprinkles a little parm all over and mostly on the chicken.
This is what it should looks like after you it all put together and ready to pop in the oven!
I cover it with foil so the chicken can stays moist and soak up all the yummy flavors!!
I bake this at 365' for 40 min.
When you pull it out of the oven you want to make sure the juices are are boiling and the cheese is melted.
It should look like this amazing yummy photo...
I am a freak and like my food to look pretty! So, I remove some tomatoes and zucchini and lay them down on the plate.... Almost like a cute, little bed for the chicken! 

and TA-DA!
It's healthy, easy, fast, delicious and you only use one dish to cook it! (the less dishes the better!)
I added a bread stick cause I am a fatty!! :]
* Feel free to email me if you have any questions or even suggestions!! I would also LOVE to hear how it turned out for you!! 

-Enjoy & happy cooking!!
-Tam xo

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Is there a surgery to make this possible?

If I looked like this woman (I would trade the martini in for a glass wine) my life would be so much less chaotic! Remember when Britney Spears and Kevin had that show called "Chaotic"? What a hot mess that was! 

Anyway... I swear from the minute I wake up to the minute I go to sleep I feel like I am working! Yes, I might cause some of this onto myself. I might be a bit controlling, a bit of a germaphobe, somewhat of a perfectionist and a tad O.C.D. But hey, it works for us! (most of the time) 

I thought I would document my day. This beginning from when I open my poop brown colored eyes until the  moment I close them. I wanted to do this not only so that I can explain to my husband why I am "toooo tired" :) but to bring awareness to us hard working mom's, or just mom's or just gal's - whatever you might be...

So hold on tight... Here we go!

A day in the life of a 24 year old, wife, mom and full time employee:

5:45am - rise and shine
5:45-6:00am- chat with my baby girl and cuddle her till she pushes me away
6:00-6:30am - Shower, get coffee, get dressed, pack lunch...
6:40am (really should be 6:30 but I am always late) Kiss josh and Emma get my ass in the car and start my commute to Leucadia from Escondido
7:10am - (should be 7:00) get to work, get more coffee fake smile to everyone and "good morning's" 
7:20-12:00pm work work work...chat on IM with Josh and Carly...work work work
12:00pm - (THANK YOU LORD!) Lunch time!! Make salad, do personal online things, balance check book, etc....
12:30pm - back to work work work...look at clock and sigh....work work work... bug Josh some more...pretend to work...
3:00pm - use company time to pay our bills :) 
3:30pm - YES!!! I AM FREE! fake smile and a "see you tomorrow" and  I start my commute home 
4:00pm - traffic
4:15pm - go tot bank, go to Vons or farmers market depending on the day... there is usually some kind of stop or two I have to make
4:30pm - pick up Emma and start to make the drive home (where my other job as mom & wife start)
5:00pm - empty dish washer form night before, clean kitchen, get Emma juice, turn on her shows. Yes, I let her watch TV so I can actually get stuff done, sue me!
5:15pm - poor a glass of wine, clean the kitchen (cant cook in a dirty kitchen) pick up the house a bit
5:30pm - Start to make dinner (<3 this part) chop, slice, dice, peel.... you get it.
6:00-6:30 - try to spend some fun, quality time with Emma, try to get a load in the washer while dinner is cooking
6:30-7:00 - serve dinner and eat 
7:00pm - Bath time, while that is going on, I clean up the mess from dinner, clean kitchen again and set out E's jammies and get her out of the tub
7:30pm - fill up wine glass (dont judge me) clean up Emma's room and get her ready for bed, in her jammies and give her nightly massage she loves
8:00pm - "night, night termite" kiss and a hug I am am walking away now, Light my candles
8:10pm - "Emma, its bed time"...sigh...."Emma get in your bed, you sleep in your own bed" 
8:30pm - repeat above step.... This is going to go on all night.... FYI
9:00pm - Clean up house, sweep floors from dinner,put away left overs, put toys away and get Josh's lunch together
9:30pm - "Emma, Get in your bed... It's ok. Love you, good night"  blow out my candles 
10:00pm - Get into bed, catch up on Teen Mom, Dr. Drew, Those damn Kardashian's, Sam The Cooking Guy... you get it.
10:30pm - eyes shut
11:00pm - and Emma is up AGAIN begging to come into our bed, I say, "no"
12:00am - I give up... and we all 3 sleep until 5:45am in the same bed and it all starts over again.

Phew... I am tired just typing it! But, I LOVE my life and all my duties that have come my way as the years pass! I wouldn't change it for anything! I am proud to have the days that I do and you should be too!! Good job all you mom's out there that live for your family and dedicate your days to doing everything you can to make there lives great!! I see you! 

Here is to love and sacrifice ... You cant have one without the other! 
gotta get back to work now! -Tam xo

Cloudy with a chance of healthy turkey ball's!

Last night I made a AMAZING little ditty and I thought I would share it with you!! Now, this was actually kinda hard for me cause I don't do recipes or even pay attention... I just go! A dash of this, a dash of that. Anyway, I have made these a couple times and never wrote down what I put in it. So they are kinda always different... But not this time!!
OK, so here we go!
2 egg whites
1.25lb of JennyO extra lean ground turkey
4 cloves of garlic, minced (I looooove garlic)
1 small carrot, peeled and diced
1/4 of a sweet Maui onion (any other kind is fine also)
1 cup grated zucchini
1 cup grated squash
1 celery stock diced
3 bok choy leaves diced 
1 cup of oats 
I just eye ball some feta and shredded parmesan 
salt and pepper to taste and any of your other favorite spices
1tsp olive oil
2tbs of light spy sauce

Dump it all in a bowl, mix and get your hands dirty!!
Roll them all into medium sized balls (I got this great idea of rolling them in the left over shredded parm. to coat them.YUM!) and set on backing rack. If you don't have a baking rack, a cookie sheet will be just fine!
Oven should be set at 350' and bake for 20-25 min. depending on the size of the turkey balls.
At this point your house will smell AMAZING!!!
Wait for it.... wait for it....
Bon Appétit
Easy, healthy, fast and YUMMY!! Doesn't get much better then that! Right?!
I usually make these in bulk so I can freeze some of them, that way I always have some on hand! It's Great!!
Happy cooking!! -Tam <3

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What the Sleeping Horse?!

OK. So here is my first blog ever!! woop woop! So hang with me untill I get the hang of this thing! 

So my daughter Emma one day decided that she didn't want to sleep in her crib anymore!! (lucky me) So, here we were, two full time working parents and a 1.5 year old who didn't want to sleep ANYWHERE but right in between the two of us!! I admit it now almost a year later and looking back... Its our damn fault. We were being lazy on our bedtime parenting. "All we wanted was some sleep WITHOUT a fight and before we knew IT we had a full time sleeping quest!" I am sure you can imagine how that can affect your relationship with you hubby and also your sleep when little baby toes are jabbing you in the ribs!

Well after many, many failed tries getting that little bed hog back in her own bed, I had finally had ENOUGH last night!! I spent all day thinking of how I could make this easier on all 3 of us "(meaning daddy doesn't really partake)  with the least amout of tears (for both of us)  possible and the maximum hours of Zzzzz's."

So, I had all my lines laid out, stopped by the store to get my treats and slowly developed a nice young lady by the name of "Sleepy Horse". She is pretty much a tooth fairy that brings little girl's that sleep in their bed's surprises. So we had dinner, took a bath, brushed our teeth (I was getting anxiety at this point) and went into her room. I then told her about "sleepy horse" and what she would do if Emma slept in her bed and my god, she ate it up!! She was so on board!! So, we wrote this "Sleepy Horse" a small note, asking if it was a boy or girl, telling her what we were doing,etc.

                      And after a couple min. of watching Jungle Book.....


I was almost just as proud as the day I pushed her 10 lb. body out of mine!! (too far?) Anyway, she got up a few times and without a tear was escorted back to her bed. This went on every hour... But hey, no melt downs!! :) 

In the a.m. she got her little stuffed bear and 5 M&M's that the "Sleepy Horse" brought for her and she was happy as a clam!! 

So hopefully tonight will go just as well if not better!! After this task ITS POTTY TRAINING!! But one life changing goal at a time!!

I will let you know how tonight goes!!
Happy Sleeping- Tam