Thursday, September 29, 2011

weight ='s happiness...

Well I am not sure if it equals complete happiness but it sure as hell will make me more happy then I am now!!
OK, I want to drop a few lbs and well... by a few and mean like 30!! I have said I am going to go on a diet like 6 times this year, I do good for like a couple weeks lose some lbs and then BAM! I fall off the wagon and I RUN to Carl's Jr.! Is there is AA for people addicted to food? And if so.... can I have the number?

I use to eat and drink whatever I want and not worry have to worry about it... So dieting and working out is foreign to me!! Ever since I got married and had a baby I have "let myself go" after my baby I was so knee deep in dirty diapers and mac n' cheese that I just stop giving a shit about me. My life was now about my husband and baby. Don't get me wrong... I still wear my make up and all that jazz but when it comes to "me time" and going and working out #1.) I don't know where to start. #2.) I just want to hang out with Josh and Emma!! 
So needless to say, the weight came on and my confidence dropped... So what does any self conscious weight battling girl do??? I ATE! I ate like I will still 9 month prego.!! I figured "Well F*#k it, I am already unhappy with my weight... what was another cheese burger going to do?" Well that went on for a year... and what did it do you ask? It made this girl soft a jiggly . I like a little giggle don't get me wrong! I don't like stick skinny! I have always had some boobs and ass! And I like it!! But now, I want my big boobs and ass to not be smaller then my gut! Its just heart breaking!! 

So I was thinking... Maybe if I blog about my weight loss and my intense companionship with food, it will keep me honest ans committed! Maybe even some of you will join me!? I will be doing weekly updates, with real weight calculators and picture updates!! Oh yes, You will see this fat ass in real form!! LUCKY YOU!

 I will be posting meal ideas, my daily food logs, work out plans and tricks... You can just think of me as our own personal *fat Jillian Michaels!! So here we go!! Today's first thing I am going to change is my lunch plans and water intake levels!! I am going back to my 3 letters of water a day and sorry Michelle in H.R., I wont be getting Wings n' Things with you today! 

Here is a picture of what I want to look like (again) ... a bit of a stretch seems how even if I did get this body back... the boobs would be lower and my stomach will be covered in stretch marks... but hey, skinny saggy boobs and stretch marks are better then fat ones!! 

I love you for reading! Here is to health and confidence!!
-Tam  xoxx

Sunday, September 25, 2011

So, when do you know it's the right time?

Alright, this is a question I ask my self all the time! "When is it the right time?" I fell like my generation really has it rough... specially if you have or are trying to have a family! With the economy in the toilet, Jobs are not secure at all. You can go from a nice stable income to Monday morning having nothing...

This happened to me and my husband a couple times in the last 3 years. Somehow we always seem to jump back but with times like this I find its hard to figure out when the right time is for anything... How can you plan when your future is so uncertain at any given time. How do you know what is right and what is just a plain mistake?? Anything from; should buy a house now, have another baby, take on another car payment or even something as simple as buying that 200.00 BBQ? 
In the last 2-3 months I have pondered every one of those questions I listed above. And you know what.. I bought the new car and the BBQ! haha But, a house or a baby.... I just cant do my normal impulsive decision  making on those two... 
Part of me goes, "You can do it, you  guys can do anything... You did it with baby #1 with out a plan in the world!" Now, while this may be true and I like to think that with a lot of hard work I some how manage to land me and my family back on our feet every time life turns ugly. But, Is it the right time now?

Is there ever a right time? Do you just do it and make do? Is it different when everything is planned (that's how I like my life) Do you listen to other people, Do you care what they think or say? All these questions and I feel none of them have answers!! 
Sometimes I forget... I am 25 and my husband 30 we have a beautiful 2 year old baby girl, a house, 2 dogs, a cat, 2 cars, bills ... We are family... WE ARE ADULTS!!! Technically we can do whatever the hell we want to... Why do I forget this so often? 
Why do I feel like I still need approval? Is it cause of the way my Emma was a surprise to everyone so I still feel like that scared 22 year old who cared what everyone would think and say? Is it because of things what were said to me when we told some people we were expecting? (after 7 years of dating) I still hold grudges to the few people who disrespected me and my growing family in the early weeks... most of them I have to interact with on a regular basis and its still a struggle. Is that it? Am I so weak that I let some people's rude, unfiltered words effect my judgement in life? How sad and dumb! Am I so insecure that I care that much? Do I feel that I have not proven my/our self? Or, is this just a normal feeling when you are trying to make a life changing decision? ugh

I have no answers to any of these questions and it makes me CRAZY!! 
I have always used the saying, "We will cross that bridge when we get there." Is that the right way to deal with things?... seems to have worked out for us so far... 

Is that it??? Do you just keeping moving forward and deal with everything as they come and you just adjust? I mean... that's life right?! That's how this silly little game of life works.  The only way you move forward in life is to take a jump and hope for the best. If there was a "right time" for everything then everyone's life would be perfect!! No ups, no downs... no sense of accomplishment. I mean who is to say, "You have 20k in the bank... Its the right time for a baby!" "Oh, you have a good paying job (today) its the right time to buy a house!!" I mean common since has a play in it but, to what extent? 

As I keep writing it is coming more clear to me that this is indeed life... You make choices, sometimes you have to suffer the consequences of that choice but you move forward and you have another choice to make waiting right around the corner. I'm personally coming to see there is never a right time... and If I try to wait for it, nothing will ever get done!
 Take risks, move forward, love and grow... change is the only way that will ever happen!!

I hope you reading this helped you has much as it did me writing it! You can be sure whatever path I choose I will keep you posted via blog!! 

Love you for reading!!

Decisions and peace!!
Tam xoxo

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Easy, Cheap & Beautiful Kids Birthday Party Ideas!!

OK, I made the mistake on my daughters 1st birthday of going WAY over the top (I'm sure some of you can relate) I bought EVERYTHING you could think of the perfect Luau!! Everything from fresh pineapples and coconuts as center pieces, every kind of snack you could think of! I made my poor husband BBQ everyone Pineapple teriyaki burgers and list goes on and on... needless to say my bank act took a approximate $1,700.00 hit as well! I know... but, I was excited!!

Anyway... Needles to say, I decided to scale back on birthday number 2 (price not awesomeness!). Here is what I did...
I stared planning 2 months in advance and picking up little things here and there where I found them!! The .99cent store really played a big part! Last time Costco, this year .99cent store and you know what?? No one know could even tell!! Instead of having my hubby man the grill ALL DAY I got hot dogs this time. Let those puppies sit on the grill for 10 min pull them off, cover and self serve honey!! Put out some beans, corn bread, potato and macaroni salad and thats is lunch! Instead of a $200.00 cake to feed 80 people... I did donuts for less then $30.00!! For drinks... A pretty jug of powder (yes powder) lemonade mix. To make it a little more fantasy I sliced some lemons in it and tossed in a few raspberries!! It was beautiful!!

For decorations, I bought most of them online. the Oriental Trading Co. had some great things and even better prices!! played a big big BIG part in the decor as well. I bought all my balloons though them (about 150 balloons for $30.00 MAX) took them to Party City to inflate the morning of for a total of $25.00! I went to a local feed store and bought bails of straw for 8.00 each. Perfect for seating and really made the "cowgirl" theme pop!! 

Instead of buying everything already made I decided to make all the signs! It was a bit time consuming but REALLY fun and they turned out awesome!! I just found the font on Microsoft Word, printed it out on my computer and glued to decorative paper. I tied all the letters with strips of bandanna and even burnt the edges for a "old time" look! We had some old cardboard in the garage so I cut out a western style E and 2 out of it and cut up a red bandanna and glued it all over the cardboard.... SUPER EASY AND SUPER CUTE AND CUSTOM! 
I found little WANTED signs from Oriental Trading Co. and printed out some of our friends and family's pics in black and white and pasted it onto them!! Really fast and cute... People loved to see themselves on the "WANTED" wall! less then $5.00!

To get everyone dressed in their YeeHaw gear, I had a dress up table as you walk in.... Cowboy hats, bandannas, sheriff badges!! total $10.00. 

I had someone design the invites from she sent me the file in 2 days and I printed at Kinko's for a total of about $40.00! They let every one know the theme before hand and were beautiful!! 
(probably my favorite part of the party) 

We had Emma's pictures taken in her cowboy gear and framed it for some more custom/personal decor! The "Eat, Drink & Be Merry" Sign came from my kitchen! 

I could go on and on about every little detail but the bottom line here is DETAIL!! Pull from things you have, borrow things from friends, make EVERYTHING... You will save hundreds and have fun too!! Think of a unique party theme and run with it! 

Below are some pics from the party so you can get a better idea! We had a great time and everyone loved it! If you have questions on where to get something or even how to make it please email me at
I am more then happy to help!!

Food/Snack table
Food table
WANTED signs of friends and family 
Emma Cowgirl photos 
Dress Up table at entrance 
Homemade "howdy partners" sign
Hay bails, bandanna and cow print balloons 
another homemade sign
"Happy Birthday Emma"

All and all we had a GREAT day!! If you are looking for ideas or have any question please feel free to email me

I hope you enjoyed looking at this as much I did creating it!!

Cowboy boots and Love!!
Tam  xoxo

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Easy Chicken Fried Rice (a request)

I was asked if I had a RECIPE for this and if so if I COULD post it... SO here you go michelle!! Please let me know how you like it and send some PICTURES too!!! xoxO

Here is what you need!!

1 egg
1 tablespoon water
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 onion, chopped

2 cups cooked white rice, cold (I like day old rice better for this)
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 cup cooked, chopped chicken meat (use canned chicken, Its faster & easier!) 

1.In a small bowl, beat egg with water. Melt butter in a large skillet over medium low heat. Add egg and leave flat for 1 to 2 minutes. Remove from skillet and cut into shreds.
2.Heat oil in same skillet; add onion and saute until soft. Then add rice, soy sauce, pepper and chicken. Stir fry together for about 5 minutes, then stir in egg. Serve hot.

Its pretty easy and keeps really well in the fridge not to mention yummy!!                            

                                            Tam XO

Cod Liver Oil - 2 week Update!!

Alright... So it has been 2 weeks since I have been doing my Cod Liver Oil skin experiment... Now, I was a bit skeptical at first to be a bit honest! 

Since I have been taking a shot of this Oil every night before bed I have noticed that my skin is less likely to have a new blemish when I wake up in the morning, my over all tone has evened it self out and when I apply my make up I feel like it goes on smoother and looks 100x better!! 
(I was just a shocked as you probably are!) 

The only down sides I have found so far is although my skin is pretty and has that nice "dewy" look to it (that I love)... It can also tend to become a bit oily as the day goes on... I have never really had a oily skin problem and to be honest I would rather dab my face twice a day then have dry skin!! When my skin gets dry I tend to find that I breakout a lot more!! So, guess it depends on the persons preference. 
Another set back that could be minor to some but a defiant thought is pricing... I found that I am about down to the last oil drop in my bottle... That means you should be purchasing 2 bottles per month (8oz.) I haven't looked for a larger bottle yet, but if I find one I will let you know and post the link asap! The total price of 2 bottles will run you about $44.00. To me... that's a bit pricey when I already spend a decent amount on my wash, toner etc. 

Although, If my skin does continue to keep improving like it has I will be spending that $44.00 a month for sure!! 
So...As of now, I am on board with my Cod Liver Oil and I'm very happy that I decided to try it!! I cant wait to give you the month's end update!! 

If you have tried this or are trying it, PLEASE email me 
I would LOVE to hear from you!!

Here is a pic of me a couple days ago with my make up on... I thought my skin was looking pretty good!! :]

Thank you for reading, It means the world to me!!

Note:* For those of those who are new to my blog and don't know what the hell I am talking about or you just want to know where you can get the Cod Liver oil... See the links below!

fish oil info:
Taste test day 1 video:

Fish kisses and lot's O' Love!
Tam  XO

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

When life gives you lemons, give yourself a facial!!

So... Here is the easiest, fastest and best little facial ever!! I try to do this at least once a week! You only need 3 THINGS and most of you have it all in your kitchen right now!! Your face will thank you and you can say, "bye bye" to those $60.00+ facials that don't even really make a difference!!

Here is what you need:
  1. Lemon Juice of 1 lemon (I like fresh but you can use bottled too)
  2. Sugar
  3. Cotton pads

What you want to do is put lemon juice on your cotton pad (see above) till the whole pad is moist (not drenched!) Then you want to sprinkle the sugar all over cotton pad.
Apply to face and gently rub in a circle motion all over face a neck for 2-3 minutes. It fells so good you might want to do it longer!!
Rinse with cool water, pat dry and you are on your way to beautiful skin!!
note: *Make sure to get your hairline well if you tend to use a lot of hair product or don't wash your hair everyday.

This little wonder will make your face smooth as a baby's butt and will help with your acne. Also, it will lighten any scars or sun spots/damage with regular treatments!! 

Let me know how you like it! I want to hear from you!

Lemon juice and kisses!
-Tam XO

Monday, September 12, 2011

I struck gold this weekend!!

I am so excited to share this with you guys!!
I went to my local Costco this weekend and while I was walking towards the front to check out, I happen to stumble across the BEST find of my life and it was only $23.00 +tax!! I am serious!! Now, if you don't know me... I am a bit of a make up snob! I have a few cheap-O pieces I like but, I stick mostly with MAC and all their brush's and accessories. UNTIL NOW!!! This is what I found:
Borghese Professional Select Cosmetic Brushes Set 10 Premium Brushes & Brush Bag
This box comes with 10 brush's and a leather bad to hold all your brushes!! 
It's pretty freakin' amazing!!

The brush's are all labeled in case you don't already know where and what to use them for. It also comes with a booklet that gives you all the uses and even tips for every brush!!
Now I was a bit skeptical when I saw the price to be honest... but, I went ahead a purchased!! 
OMG you guys!!
Not only are they right about the same quality as all my MAC brushes, they have some angles MAC doesn't even carry.... Did I mention they are the price of ONE MAC brush!! 
I was so damn excited I cant even tell you!!  I have not only got back into wearing my fun make up again and not just the necessary power, mascara and lip gloss!! I feel like pre-baby Tamara again!! Maybe even a whole new woman!! ha. either way...

Here is a pic of what I did with my new AMAZING find... I added a little blue for the charger game!!
I recommend this product like CraZy!! 
You can find them here if you don't have a Costco near you or if you're just lazy!!

GO GET THEM!! I promise you wont be sorry!!

God bless you Costco!!
Pretty make-up & Hugs!!
-Tam xo

Friday, September 9, 2011


I was a pretty good water drinker my whole life... but, I recently decided to take my H2O intake to a whole other level!! The changes that took place after only a couple days not only shocked me but made me a bit of an addict!! I mean we all know water is good for us!! DUH but it goes over and beyond that!! Keep reading... I will fill you in!

I went from drink 5-7 8oz glass a day to 4.5 litters apx. 144oz. It kinda seems like a lot... But let me tell you... the more I drank the more my body wanted more and more of this water!! 

Not only did it jump start my weight loss, My skin cleared up like crazy and had a amazing dewy glowing look to it!! The tone of my skin had improved so much in just one week of doing this easy little beauty secret I actually felt comfortable going to the store with no make on!! (BIG, BIG deal for me!) I noticed I had more energy and at work before I would grab my lunch bag... I would grab my water! It became part of my day and when I would be driving and didn't have my water bottle I felt lost!!

To figure out how much water your body needs, take your total weight a divide in half! There you have it!! That magic number will total the amount of oz. you should be drinking per day... I drink way more then my half but, you should still see a difference if you just start there!!

I wanted to share this with you cause its SOOO easy to do and has amazing befits!! Below are just a few reasons why water is so amazing!! Here you go...
Benefits of Drinking Water
  1. Lose weight: Drinking water helps you lose weight because it flushes down the by-products of fat breakdown. Drinking water reduces hunger, it’s an effective appetite suppressant so you’ll eat less. Plus, water has zero calories. 
  2. Natural Remedy for Headache: Helps to relieve headache and back pains due to dehydration. Although many reasons contribute to headache, dehydration is the common one.
  3. Look Younger with Healthier Skin: You’ll look younger when your skin is properly hydrated. Water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturizes skin and increases skin elasticity.
  4. Better Productivity at Work: Your brain is mostly made up of water, thus drinking water helps you think better, be more alert and more concentrated.
  5. Better Exercise: Drinking water regulates your body temperature. That means you’ll feel more energetic when doing exercises. Water also helps to fuel your muscle.
  6. Helps in Digestion and Constipation: Drinking water raises your metabolism because it helps in digestion. Fiber and water goes hand in hand so that you can have your daily bowel movement.
  7. Less Cramps and Sprains: Proper hydration helps keep your joints and muscles lubricated, so you’ll less likely get cramps and sprains.
  8. Less Likely to Get Sick and Feel Healthy:Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu and other ailments like kidney stones and heart attack. Water adds with lemon is used for ailments like respiratory disease, intestinal problems, rheumatism and arthritis etc. In another words one of the benefits of drinking water is that it can improve your immune system.
  9. Relieves Fatigue: Water is used by the body to help flush out toxins and waste products from the body. If your body lacks water, your heart, for instance, needs to work harder to pump out the oxygenated blood to all cells, so are the rest of the vital organs, your organs will be exhausted and so will you.
  10. Good Mood: Your body feels very good and that’s why you feel happy!!
  11. Reduce the Risk of Cancer: Related to the digestive system, some studies show that drinking a healthy amount of water may reduce the risks of bladder cancer and colon cancer. Water dilutes the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine and shortens the time in which they are in contact with bladder lining.

P.S. If you add lemon or lemon juice it will also help you curb your hunger even more and helps alkaline your body!! (to mention few) Not to mention it tastes AMAZING!!

-You're welcome in advance, Now go get a glass of H2O, Yo!!

-Your Tamara  XOXO

Thursday, September 8, 2011

You have some freakin' nerve!!

I am sure you all you mom's have experienced this at least once or twice since becoming a mom or even becoming pregnant.

I was newly pregnant when I noticed that EVERYONE knew what I should do and how I needed to be now that I was "with child". ugh! Everything from "You need to apply this lotion everyday", "You need more water", "you cant do that when you have your baby" "Save all your money", "enjoy your sleep" "wow, you look really big for only 7 month" oh god!! I could go on, and on, and on!!! It drove me FREAKING crazy!! The worst was when they would tell you, "Well in my day", "Well I had 2 kids", "Imagine if you were me". OK, I get it!! You have it harder then me... You're a better mom.... I am dumb, you are smart!

I really just wanted to stop talking to everyone in general! I wanted to lay in my bed until this 9lb 7oz giant decided she want to enter this world!! (and she took her sweet time)

But, now that she is here... its EVEN WORSE!!! AHHHHHHH! Why do people feel the need to tell you how to raise your kids, be a mom, be a wife and even a pet owner!! Why do they think I need to do it the way they did?! I mean, if they did things so right with their life/family... You would think that their life would be so fulfilled and happy that they would give 2 cents on what the heck kind of teething biscuit I was giving my daughter, what temperature I like to keep my thermostat at or what diaper was best!! I mean... I haven't killed a pet or kid yet... we are NOT at all skinny... so, looks like I feed us alright... I don't understand why people are so invasive?! LEAVE ME ALONE!!! If I want your advise... please be assured that I will ask you!! Until then.... ZIP IT (for a nicer term)

WOW!! I already feel so much better!! haha 
So, I guess my question is; Do you guys have to deal with this? Weather its from family, friends or even people at the super market store? If so, How do you do handle it? Have you cut ties from people because of this?? I really want to hear how you deal with this, I know its common but no one talks about it!! Why?
I want to hear from you!!
What my family does works GREAT for us and were happy!! Deal with it!

YOU'RE doing a great job doing whatever YOU'RE doing!!
bottom line!!
-Tam  XOXO

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Zit be gone!!

OK... So, I have a little trick for you all!! I don't know about you but I will get a zit here and there... and a little more then a zit when aunt flow is on her merry way! Now, I have spent so much damn money on face creams, face wash's, spot treatments you name it... I have probably bought it! ugh
I did find a AMAZING face wash that has helped sooo much! (I will post that in another bog!) But as I struggled with the fact that I almost 25 and still having random breaks I came upon this little trick and I thought I would share the wealth!!

This is what you need:
1 aspirin pill
1 teaspoon of water
1 zip lock baggy

*YEP... That's it!!! HELLOOOOOOO! Cant get any better then that, right?!
  • Sooo, what you want to do is put your aspirin in a zip-lock and crush that mother into a power!! You can use a spoon or just your husbands hammer, like I do!! (it's way faster if you use a hammer!)  
  • Then you want to mix in your water SLOWLY and make a paste. You want the paste to be wet enough to soak into the infected area but think enough to stay put!!
  • Then apply to the zit or in my case... zits.
  • You should leave it there for 10-15 min or just until dry and flaking off! I usually do it before bed... watch a TV show and then go to sleep... it will flake off in your sleep and it makes me feel like I am really giving that zit the ol' 1, 2!!
  • You will not only notice the is redness gone, but the size of your little friend will have greatly diminished!!  
So good luck to you all! I hope you never need this trick but if you do, here it is!!!

Clear skin and hugs!!
-Tam   XOXO

Sunday, September 4, 2011

10 min. Banana Nut Bread recipe

Yep.. you read that right, 10 min!! Fall is just around the corner (thank god!) and I decided to jump the gun a bit and make some homemade banana nut bread last night! But... I simplified it to make it fast, easy and (I think) a little more delicious then ever before! Did I mention my house smelled like a freaking bakery!!!...AMAZING... one of my favorites things EVER!! 
your nana's should look like this

Here is what you will need:
3 or 4 ripe bananas, smashed
1/3 cup melted butter
1 cup sugar (can easily reduce to 3/4 cup)
1 egg, beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon baking soda
Pinch of salt
1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour
a pinch (or 2) of cinnamon (optional)
1/2 cup chopped pecans (optional)

No need for a mixer for this recipe!! Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). With a wooden spoon, mix butter into the mashed bananas in a large mixing bowl. Mix in the sugar, egg, and vanilla. Sprinkle the baking soda and salt over the mixture and mix in. Add the flour last, mix in cinnamon and nuts (if used). Pour mixture into a buttered 4x8 inch loaf pan. Bake for 1 hour. Cool on a rack. Remove from pan and slice to serve. 
Hello!?!? How freaking easy, right?!

and there you have it!! Easy as pie!!... but its bread! 

YOU ALL MUST TRY THIS!! I mean, you CAN'T get any easier then that!! If you think you don't have time to make this... Then you have major issues!! I'm sure most of you already have 99% of ingredients in your cupboards!! 
SO DO IT!! I promise, you wont be sorry!!

Hugs and bananas kisses!

Friday, September 2, 2011

weight loss, fish oil & wine...OH MY!

Here Is the amazing Mrs. Elena Wanders talking about how she lost 38lbs., how she did it and how she keeps it off!! We also touch on wine, men, babies & make-up!

Its long and super goofy but sooo worth it!

Click above to watch the video!

XO - Tam

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Cod Liver Oil taste test! (day 1 of skin experiment)

The day has come!! I got my Cod Liver Oil in the mail yesterday!! I was really excited to see if this little baby was going to work the wonders on my face that so many had promised it would! 
So, I told you I would take Before pictures (I cant believe I am posting pictures of myself with no make-up on!) I am so sorry to do this to you! But, here you go!
It's not the best pic... But you can see the uneven color on my skin and couple blemish's.... and my ugly birth mark under my eye! ugh
Now you might be surprised.... But I dont own a shot glass!! Crazy, right?! So I had to use just a normal glass.
This is where I went wrong!! I had put WAY more then a shot glass full in this damn cup!! 
Alright, here we go!!... Because I got so much great feed back on recording me taking my first shot of this crap I did it! (soooo against my better judgment!)  As painful as this is for me to watch my self in a video... here is goes! 
As you can see... It tasted like lemon covered shit! But, then again... I also drank more then I needed! So I will try it again tonight with a shot glass and let you all know! 

You're Welcome!
Tam xo