Thursday, August 25, 2011

Is there a surgery to make this possible?

If I looked like this woman (I would trade the martini in for a glass wine) my life would be so much less chaotic! Remember when Britney Spears and Kevin had that show called "Chaotic"? What a hot mess that was! 

Anyway... I swear from the minute I wake up to the minute I go to sleep I feel like I am working! Yes, I might cause some of this onto myself. I might be a bit controlling, a bit of a germaphobe, somewhat of a perfectionist and a tad O.C.D. But hey, it works for us! (most of the time) 

I thought I would document my day. This beginning from when I open my poop brown colored eyes until the  moment I close them. I wanted to do this not only so that I can explain to my husband why I am "toooo tired" :) but to bring awareness to us hard working mom's, or just mom's or just gal's - whatever you might be...

So hold on tight... Here we go!

A day in the life of a 24 year old, wife, mom and full time employee:

5:45am - rise and shine
5:45-6:00am- chat with my baby girl and cuddle her till she pushes me away
6:00-6:30am - Shower, get coffee, get dressed, pack lunch...
6:40am (really should be 6:30 but I am always late) Kiss josh and Emma get my ass in the car and start my commute to Leucadia from Escondido
7:10am - (should be 7:00) get to work, get more coffee fake smile to everyone and "good morning's" 
7:20-12:00pm work work on IM with Josh and work work
12:00pm - (THANK YOU LORD!) Lunch time!! Make salad, do personal online things, balance check book, etc....
12:30pm - back to work work work...look at clock and work work... bug Josh some more...pretend to work...
3:00pm - use company time to pay our bills :) 
3:30pm - YES!!! I AM FREE! fake smile and a "see you tomorrow" and  I start my commute home 
4:00pm - traffic
4:15pm - go tot bank, go to Vons or farmers market depending on the day... there is usually some kind of stop or two I have to make
4:30pm - pick up Emma and start to make the drive home (where my other job as mom & wife start)
5:00pm - empty dish washer form night before, clean kitchen, get Emma juice, turn on her shows. Yes, I let her watch TV so I can actually get stuff done, sue me!
5:15pm - poor a glass of wine, clean the kitchen (cant cook in a dirty kitchen) pick up the house a bit
5:30pm - Start to make dinner (<3 this part) chop, slice, dice, peel.... you get it.
6:00-6:30 - try to spend some fun, quality time with Emma, try to get a load in the washer while dinner is cooking
6:30-7:00 - serve dinner and eat 
7:00pm - Bath time, while that is going on, I clean up the mess from dinner, clean kitchen again and set out E's jammies and get her out of the tub
7:30pm - fill up wine glass (dont judge me) clean up Emma's room and get her ready for bed, in her jammies and give her nightly massage she loves
8:00pm - "night, night termite" kiss and a hug I am am walking away now, Light my candles
8:10pm - "Emma, its bed time"...sigh...."Emma get in your bed, you sleep in your own bed" 
8:30pm - repeat above step.... This is going to go on all night.... FYI
9:00pm - Clean up house, sweep floors from dinner,put away left overs, put toys away and get Josh's lunch together
9:30pm - "Emma, Get in your bed... It's ok. Love you, good night"  blow out my candles 
10:00pm - Get into bed, catch up on Teen Mom, Dr. Drew, Those damn Kardashian's, Sam The Cooking Guy... you get it.
10:30pm - eyes shut
11:00pm - and Emma is up AGAIN begging to come into our bed, I say, "no"
12:00am - I give up... and we all 3 sleep until 5:45am in the same bed and it all starts over again.

Phew... I am tired just typing it! But, I LOVE my life and all my duties that have come my way as the years pass! I wouldn't change it for anything! I am proud to have the days that I do and you should be too!! Good job all you mom's out there that live for your family and dedicate your days to doing everything you can to make there lives great!! I see you! 

Here is to love and sacrifice ... You cant have one without the other! 
gotta get back to work now! -Tam xo


  1. Love it!!! And it is so real, and i actually hear you saying it all!!! LOL!!! Great JOB!!!

  2. I feel you!!! drinking my 3rd glass right now! loving your blog! great job mama tamara!

  3. Thank you ladies!! And Cheers Kendra!! xo
