Friday, March 30, 2012

For the love of Vinegar! (Day 2)

Fresh Flowers in the home

Who doesn't love fresh flowers in the home? I am addicted to having them in every room as much as I can. Call me CrAzY but, A clean house with fresh flowers and some white wine chiliin in the fridge on a beautiful day is enough to send my happy meter right off the charts!!!I just love that kinda stuff!!

If you are like me and keep fresh flowers in your house vinegar will help your beautiful flowers stay alive and fresher longer!! Just add 2Tbs of vinegar and 1Tbs of sugar to your vase with fresh water (make sure to trim you ends every time you add fresh water) and that alone will keep them happy and alive much longer!!

If you have any great tips for getting flowers to last longer email me your secrets!! 

Fresh Flowers and love, 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

For the love of Vinegar! (Day 1)

Like I mentioned I am in love with Vinegar and all the amazing things it can do!! After doing tons of research I found a lot of amazing things that I can use vinegar for in my own home everyday! Also, at $3.00 for almost 2 gallons you cant believe the amount of money you will save!!
So, I will only be posting/ writing on things I have tried personally and will give you my report on how well it works!! I hope you enjoy this as much as I am testing all these nifty little tricks! I'm sure by the time I am done you will have found at least 2 reasons to keep a little vinegar in your home!!

Before I get started with my first "new use" for vinegar, here are some facts about vinegar you may not know...
  • Vinegar has been used for 10,000 years. It just might be the world's oldest ingredient.
  • The main uses for white distilled vinegar are cooking/food preparation and cleaning/disinfecting.
  • Pearls melt in white distilled vinegar.
  • Pantyhose last longer when rinsed with water containing 1 tablespoon of white distilled vinegar.
  • Vinegar is a natural disinfectant.
  • Vinegar can be used to treat illnesses.
  • Vinegar is a non-toxic replacement to many house hold uses.

For the love of Vinegar (Day 1) lets go...

As mot of you know, I'm pregnant... My skin is stretching and stretching along with winter weather my skin was dry and itchy!! I am talking so dry and itchy that no lotion not even the fancy crap I got at Nordstrom gave me and my skin any relief.
I stumbled upon a article about dry skin and this is what triggered me to my new Vinegar madness!! Any-who, this article suggested that 3/4 of a cup of white distilled vinegar (normal vinegar) in a bath would sooth and relieve dry skin. 
It sounded kinda gross to me and the first thing I thought of was, "So they want me to sit in a giant douche?" But, to be honest, I was willing to try it! To my surprise the bath water didn't smell like vinegar AT ALL!! It was diluted perfectly nor did I smell like it when I got out!! I wouldn't of even been able to notice it was in there if I hadn't put it in myself! After my bath it was business as usual. I didn't apply any lotion after my bath, so I could see how my skin would feel once it was completely dry. Well, I was impressed! Not only was I Impressed I was kinda shocked! My skin felt great!! No dry, itchy, tight pulling skin for me. My skin felt like I had put on some amazing non greasy lotion! I now add this to every bath that I take (about every night) and I am hooked!! 
**side note: We had gone swimming over the weekend in a pool that either was just chlorinated or had 87x to much chlorine in it and by the time we had gotten home my poor daughters skin was so itchy and was driving her crazy!! She was in pain. I quickly stuck her in the bath, rinsed her off and then filled the tub and added 1/4 cup of vinegar (cause she uses less water then me) It seemed to have done the trick and took that little nugget of her chlorine induced pain! 

If you try this or have tried this let me know! I would love to hear from you!!
 check back tomorrow for another "For the love of Vinegar" trick!! 
I love you for reading!! 
xoxo MDG

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Peanut butter Dog Treats!

 What you will need:
1 cup creamy peanut butter
1 tablespoon of applesauce
1 tablespoon of Olive Oil
1 cup rolled oats
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1/4 cup of milk
 and Bacon bits to taste

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients together. Place dough on wax paper with a little flour dusted on surface. Roll or press dough out to about 1/4” inch thick. Use a small bone cookie cutter (if you have or can even find one) to cut out cookies.( i just used skull and cross bones cutter from Halloween) Roll out leftover scraps and cut out as many as possible. Put cut out cookies on baking sheet. Bake for 14-16 minutes. Transfer to a cooling rack and when cool transfer into a air tight container.

Your Dog's will LOVE you forever! Mine are addicted to these treats!! They are so easy to make and so inexpensive (Have you seen the price of dog treats these days?!) Did I mention my house smelled AMAZING!! Just like real cookies and if you know anything about me.... A yummy smelling house is one of my favorite things in the world!!! 

I hope your mutt enjoys these treats and you have just as much fun as we did making them!!

I love you for reading!!! 
xoxo MDG

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Breakfast Muffins


8 strips of bacon

1.5 fresh avocados
8 large eggs
1/4 cup milk (or half and half depending on how you're feeling that day)
1/2 tbsp vegetable oil
1/2 tsp baking powder
salt & pepper to taste
Freshly grated sharp cheddar cheese 


1. Preheat oven to 375 F.

2. In a large pan on the stove cook your bacon (or whatever meat you have) drain on paper towel, chop and set aside

3. Whisk together eggs, milk, oil and baking powder. Season with salt and pepper.
4. Lightly spray a cupcake pan (I use a big one with only 6 cupcake holes) with oil and set bacon down at the bottom following adding the avocado on top of bacon evenly in each cup.

5. Ladle the egg mixture over bacon and avocado.

6. Sprinkle with cheddar cheese.

7. Bake for 15-20 minutes. 

That's it!! So easy and fast and SOOOOOOOO good! I added some ketchup to my 2 year old daughters and some hot sauce or salsa with sour cream on my husband and I's. 

I hope you like my little twist on this recipe and let me know if you tried it and if you have and new versions!!!

I love you for reading! xoxo MDG

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I'm no longer "pissed off"!

 I finally got my daughter potty trained a while back and we even graduated to the beloved princess potty that sits on top of the "real" toilet!!! I thought my days of dealing with piss and poop was over (until the arrival of our second child in July)
lame princess potty 
When we brought this home from our beloved Target we were both very excited!!! Until, Emma used it twice or so...
I found my self on my hands and knees on my bathroom floor sniffing the floor around the toilet like a freaking Blood Hound! "Where is this pee smell coming from?!?", I asked myself EVERY DAY!! Now, I would like to think that I keep a clean house and the fact that every time I went into the guest bathroom & it smelled like a damn urinal made me lose my mind a bit more and more every time I stepped foot into that room!
I cleaned, I scrubbed, I soaked, I blamed the dog and even blamed my husband (as if he hasn't been using a toilet for 30 years...) I was getting really pissed off! Until I took apart Emma's Potty... If you look at the picture above you can see there is plastic with a cushion seat on top that comes apart. Anyway, as I was getting this thing open I was shocked to see pee come spilling out of it!!! OMFG gross! There it was.... Old, nasty, smelly Emma pee. I finally found the smell I was looking for!
For whatever reason the way this amazing potty was designed let pee into the plastic tray below the seat. BRILLIANT!!! Now, I have now problem cleaning this potty say.... 2 times a week. But, nope! I found that every time my husband or I removed the seat to use the toilet pee would leak out onto our floor!!! EVERY TIME SHE USED THE DAMN THING PEE WOULD GET STUCK IN IT!!!! Now, I don't know about you but.... I sure as hell don't have the time or energy to go take apart a toilet, wash it, disinfect it, dry it, clean the floor and put it back together and back in the bathroom before little Miss. Piss a lot returns to her thrown!  

So... I guess you can say we "broke up" with that Princess Potty from Hell the day a great friend of my told me about this toilet she was getting to start her daughter on the great potty training adventure!! "A real toilet seat with a toddler seat built-in?" I asked. I could just see it now.... Life with out piss everywhere?!?! Maybe there was a god, I thought?! She took me to Lowes where they had only one left... I played it cool. (when I was really crying inside) Of course I let her get the last toilet seat but you better believe the second I got home I was on the phone looking for who else had this golden toilet she spoke of!!
well, HomeDepot had it!! We made it our first stop that Saturday morning! I asked my husband to put it in right away!! I was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!!! No more lifting/removing a toddler seat full of piss, no more cleaning pee all day, It has a "no slam" feature so, no matter what part you put down it goes down nice a slow to keep those little fingers safe and has a little magnet to keep the toddler seat up and flush the the back of the seat but it easy enough for her to pull it down her self, it's easy to attach and they have round and long shapes to fit any toilet!! I would recommend this little gem to anyone who is ready to ditch the training potty and move to the "real toilet". 

Here are some pictures of our new addition along with a link on where to get it! If you choose to become piss free like me and get this lovely thing, I hope you like it as much as we do and PLEASE let me know too!!!
SEE! You cant even tell its anything less a normal toilet seat!
easy  easy easy
Normal every day toilet view

Here is the link where you can find this perfect little guy:

I Love you for reading!! Have a great day!!!
xoxo MDG