Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fall... Is that you?

If you now anything about me then you know that I LOVE fall and winter!!! 
I woke up this morning looked out the window and saw grey!! Whaaaaaaaaat?! It totally felt like FALL!!! 
Now, I know its not fall yet. In fact, I know fall starts on September 22 this year (I have it highlighted on my calender)... and here in San Diego it doesn't really start to look like fall till mid November.  
So even though today I woke up to a grey sky and a freezing (ha) 60 degrees I knew by 11:00am the sky would be blue and the 80+ degrees would be knocking at my door. (boo)
I decided to ignore the truth and proceed with the warm fuzzy feeling of fall in the air and I decided to make it better by making my house smell as warm and fuzzy as I did. here is what I did...

What you will need....
2 cups of water
2 tbs of cinnamon
1 large peel of an orange
1 tsp of ground cloves 

Get a sauce pan and start bringing your water to a boil.... add all your ingredients. Once your yummy, fuzzy fall smelling pot comes to a boil turn down to simmer and enjoy! Keep an eye on your pot every hour our two and add water as needed. I usually let mine go all day and add water probably 2-3 times. Also, you can probably use this pot of awesomeness for 2-3 days before you should dump and start over! 

If my kids deiced they want a orange through out the day, I will just dump the peel into the pot as I go... or If I go down to my herb garden I will toss in some rosemary in the afternoon to change it up a bit! 
You really cant go wrong!!  

If you like this and want more home warming sent recipes please comment below or HERE on my Facebook page!!

Cheers to fake cold weather and a yummy house!!! 
I love you for reading!