Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cod Liver Oil - 2 week Update!!

Alright... So it has been 2 weeks since I have been doing my Cod Liver Oil skin experiment... Now, I was a bit skeptical at first to be a bit honest! 

Since I have been taking a shot of this Oil every night before bed I have noticed that my skin is less likely to have a new blemish when I wake up in the morning, my over all tone has evened it self out and when I apply my make up I feel like it goes on smoother and looks 100x better!! 
(I was just a shocked as you probably are!) 

The only down sides I have found so far is although my skin is pretty and has that nice "dewy" look to it (that I love)... It can also tend to become a bit oily as the day goes on... I have never really had a oily skin problem and to be honest I would rather dab my face twice a day then have dry skin!! When my skin gets dry I tend to find that I breakout a lot more!! So, guess it depends on the persons preference. 
Another set back that could be minor to some but a defiant thought is pricing... I found that I am about down to the last oil drop in my bottle... That means you should be purchasing 2 bottles per month (8oz.) I haven't looked for a larger bottle yet, but if I find one I will let you know and post the link asap! The total price of 2 bottles will run you about $44.00. To me... that's a bit pricey when I already spend a decent amount on my wash, toner etc. 

Although, If my skin does continue to keep improving like it has I will be spending that $44.00 a month for sure!! 
So...As of now, I am on board with my Cod Liver Oil and I'm very happy that I decided to try it!! I cant wait to give you the month's end update!! 

If you have tried this or are trying it, PLEASE email me 
I would LOVE to hear from you!!

Here is a pic of me a couple days ago with my make up on... I thought my skin was looking pretty good!! :]

Thank you for reading, It means the world to me!!

Note:* For those of those who are new to my blog and don't know what the hell I am talking about or you just want to know where you can get the Cod Liver oil... See the links below!

fish oil info:
Taste test day 1 video:

Fish kisses and lot's O' Love!
Tam  XO

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