Thursday, September 8, 2011

You have some freakin' nerve!!

I am sure you all you mom's have experienced this at least once or twice since becoming a mom or even becoming pregnant.

I was newly pregnant when I noticed that EVERYONE knew what I should do and how I needed to be now that I was "with child". ugh! Everything from "You need to apply this lotion everyday", "You need more water", "you cant do that when you have your baby" "Save all your money", "enjoy your sleep" "wow, you look really big for only 7 month" oh god!! I could go on, and on, and on!!! It drove me FREAKING crazy!! The worst was when they would tell you, "Well in my day", "Well I had 2 kids", "Imagine if you were me". OK, I get it!! You have it harder then me... You're a better mom.... I am dumb, you are smart!

I really just wanted to stop talking to everyone in general! I wanted to lay in my bed until this 9lb 7oz giant decided she want to enter this world!! (and she took her sweet time)

But, now that she is here... its EVEN WORSE!!! AHHHHHHH! Why do people feel the need to tell you how to raise your kids, be a mom, be a wife and even a pet owner!! Why do they think I need to do it the way they did?! I mean, if they did things so right with their life/family... You would think that their life would be so fulfilled and happy that they would give 2 cents on what the heck kind of teething biscuit I was giving my daughter, what temperature I like to keep my thermostat at or what diaper was best!! I mean... I haven't killed a pet or kid yet... we are NOT at all skinny... so, looks like I feed us alright... I don't understand why people are so invasive?! LEAVE ME ALONE!!! If I want your advise... please be assured that I will ask you!! Until then.... ZIP IT (for a nicer term)

WOW!! I already feel so much better!! haha 
So, I guess my question is; Do you guys have to deal with this? Weather its from family, friends or even people at the super market store? If so, How do you do handle it? Have you cut ties from people because of this?? I really want to hear how you deal with this, I know its common but no one talks about it!! Why?
I want to hear from you!!
What my family does works GREAT for us and were happy!! Deal with it!

YOU'RE doing a great job doing whatever YOU'RE doing!!
bottom line!!
-Tam  XOXO

1 comment:

  1. Amen! I cannot count on hands and feet combined how many times people I know and even complete strangers threw in their two cents. I mean really, I wish it was a "real" two cents, even as minimal I would be rolling in the $$$ by now. The worst has (and always will be) my mother in law unfortunately. Everything is a "you do what?" or "well I would do this" and the all time winner " well when I had Andrew" (Andrew by the way is my husband). My daughter is alive and thriving so I'm sure I'm doing a great job. She was a preemie though and between the questions that truly felt as if they were implying I did something when asking "well why was she a preemie" had me fed up beyound means. And people telling me I couldn't take her outside till she was less "fragile". I am constantly smiling to these people while quitely telling them to "shut it". Assuming is a nasty habbit that most people who "know better" seem to have.

    Rock on girl! I'm so glad someone shared your blog! This is so awesome, and so easy to RELATE to! :)
